Can You Hear Me?

Do we and our contributions not matter at all? Not being heard is painful. It gives the sense that we hardly exist.
So, by contrast, those who give us their time and attention are always good news. They affirm us, even when we ramble on and are not at our best.They listen and we are thankful.
No wonder the psalmist gives praise to the God who has heard his voice and listened to the cry for mercy. An inattentive, deaf, unresponsive God could hardly be said to be caring and creative. Psalm 116 is one of those psalms that reflect our experience of being nearly overcome by some problem or another only to find an answer in our desperate cry. In God's listening and answering is our life.
No wonder that the psalmist pledges allegiance to God. He will renew his vows to the Lord. He is grateful beyond measure for God being the kind of God He is. Every moment is a good moment to renew again our baptismal vows and to live them out publicly among all God's people.
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