I'm Just A Worker Bee

From time to time several people have had a go at defining what a priest is. I like what the Archbishop of Canterbury and titular head of the Anglican Communion, Robert Runcie, once said: ‘A priest has to be with God for other people and with other people for the sake of God.’
St. Paul had a lovely phrase: ‘Let people think of us as ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God’. But I've never thought that when he wrote those words, Paul was thinking exclusively of priests. And I've thought that our job as priests was to remind everyone else that to be human is to be a steward of the mysteries of God.
When I've been baptising a baby, for instance, I've often been nearly overcome by the mystery of the young life I've been holding in my arms. But, of course, the parents are the stewards of the mystery of that infant.
When I've taken a wedding, I’ve often been as overcome by the mystery of human relating and human love embodied in the couple in front of me.
And when I've been visiting someone at death's door - or celebrating a funeral - the mystery of death has, as often nearly overwhelmed me.
But, of course the world is bubbling over with the mysteries of God - the mystery of beauty in music and art and nature - nor am I forgetting the mystery of evil - and its redemption.
I would say that we could describe our positions as a privileged life. Just fancy being among the first very often, when you see that warmth of awareness and acceptance that comes over someone when they have just received Christ’s love into their hearts and souls.
Or fancy being allowed to share with people - busily caught up in their immediate world of down-to-earth responsibilities - what you have learned to be the great mysteries of life - which are not just the problems to be solved, but the underlying awesome depths of our existence.
Or imagine the honour of being allowed to share with all who happen to be reading this today, the message that we are all stewards of God’s mysteries. And that no matter how challenging your day may have been, or how difficult your road is, or how dark things may seem at this moment, there is one undeniable fact:
Labels: Anglican Communion Priests, Anglicans and the Holy Trinity, how to serve God, ideas for stewardship, what are worker bees?, what is a missionary?, What is a priest?, writing comforting words
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