Is This Growth?

One of the more eyebrow raising discoveries we can make at home is an ageing leftover. I had put so much effort into creating something to satiate the palate, only to find it had become a thriving community that was in the process of forming its own government. The entire effort was wasted.
How much of our personal and professional striving and labour falls into that same category - great efforts which lead to nothing? Jesus warns us that our labours should be more towards that which enhances us spiritually rather than materially. It might make you feel more ‘in’ having dropped a packet for that posh handbag or mobile phone, so that others may envy you, but what has it done to help you in your personal and spiritual growth? Nada!
‘Is this growth?’ That’s an excellent question to ask yourself in most anything you do. Are you considering a job change? Is it growth, or is it merely a lateral change? ‘Will what I’m doing today make a difference in my future?’ ‘Are we compatible or are too many danger signs being ignored?’
They’re simple questions, but they can have powerful implications in our lives. And there are even times when we deceive ourselves. We can take the easy route and override the truthful answer because it’s just more convenient. Or to quote what someone once said to me ‘It’s easier to continue on being unhappy than face the pain that comes from those first steps to correct what needs to be corrected.’ Any way you slice it, it’s not healthy!
As you start your day, be faithful and honest with yourself. And be faithful and honest with God in your life. He’ll always be with you even when the going gets rough.
And in time, as you look back on all you’ve grown you’ll have riches far beyond your imagination.
Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. On him God the Father has placed His seal of approval. John 6:27
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