
Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side

No matter who or where we are, we are sometimes tempted to look across the fence at our neighbours and wish we could trade lives. It’s not just that we’d like to be a little richer - or maybe a lot. There are all kinds of ways that other folks’ lives can seem so much more carefree and easy than our own.

But don’t be fooled! Troubles come in many shapes and sizes, some of them hidden deep and endured in silence. And no one, absolutely no one, is immune. So don’t waste any more time looking across the fence.

When a dark day comes, listen instead to what Jesus says to us: ‘Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened to you.’ God wants us to have what we need, and He’ll give it to us if we ask with trusting hearts. And what exactly are we supposed to be trusting? That God loves us even more than we love ourselves, and that He will give us what we need if our hearts are open to receive it.

Sometimes, of course, what we ask for is not what we really need. In that case, our heart has to be so trusting that it’s ready and willing to be changed and redirected to see as God sees and to want what God knows is best for us. The prayer of an open, trusting heart is always answered.

Sometimes it takes quite a while to start seeing what God sees and wanting what God wants. Take the time, sooner rather than later.

Our hearts will thank us.

Gracious Lord, help us to learn that true joy is never gained from material goods, but rather from our spiritual gain. Having You in our hearts is the greatest gift of all. Amen

Right now three things remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13


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