
Are You On A Runaway Train?

Have there been times when you felt as if everything in your life was out of control? Anything you touch seems to go horribly wrong, friends seem distant, there’s little dialogue at home? Just everything seems upside down and everything you felt comfortable with is now falling apart?

This doesn’t happen over night. It may appear to, and the final unravelling may be swift and terrifying, but the process takes time and is a result of many smaller events, decisions, words and actions, building weight upon each other. Singularly we don’t seem able to identify where they’re leading, but in the big picture it all seems a mess.

As you examine yourself you can usually check off the fact that there are no deep dark events that are the root of this feeling, but it’s more the day-to-day patterns and the choices we make that define this type of malaise. If you want to find an answer, it’s often best to examine the patterns of the choices you make. Do you compliment yourself in living, or do you add further weight to such a point that you don’t look forward to the new day ahead. Examining those patterns will help you discover who you really are.

And from this, you’ll be able to make adjustments. These patterns can be quite revealing and they relate to how you interact with God as well. Do you talk to Him? And most importantly, do you listen to Him?

If your new day looks bleak, take a moment to ask God to be there with you throughout the day.

You’ll discover that He already is.

Father in Heaven, we pray for the strength to help us follow a path of goodness and compassions. As we review our riches, let us first review our spiritual richness so that we may see that these are our true strengths and values. We are indeed blessed when we are full of Your love. Amen


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