This Incredible Christmas Present

Gabriel offers to blow his horn and bring the whole sorry mess to a quick end. But God takes his trumpet away. Gabriel presses the Lord about what He's going to do. And finally the Lord answers, 'This time,' He says, 'I'm not going to send anybody. This time I'm going myself!'
And that's what we're celebrating today: God has given us the best gift He had: His own son as our guide, our brother and our friend. And He'll never take His gift back - not for all eternity.
So what are we to do with this incredible Christmas present? Take it in, all the way inside. Silently and simply, speak His name, 'Jesus,' and know that no matter what, all will be well. All will be well!
Christ, our Redeemer, Your birth has given us life. Accept our vow, as servants of Your word, that we shall spread Your message of peace, of love, of dedication, and hope, from this day forward. Amen
Labels: Anglican Christmas prayers, Anglican Prayers, Anglicans, Christmas thoughts and prayers Anglican, the meaning of Christmas
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