Do You Need Evidence To Believe?

Actually, it’s no different than with those who first beheld the risen Christ. They didn’t know who He was. Just as with them, we’re not easily convinced by the evidence: we must approach the resurrection by looking at our own lives to see where Christ lives in us, by examining our longings to see where He might be in our futures, by contemplating our own deaths and allowing ourselves to wonder about what lies beyond.
In some ways, the whole of the Christian life is a preparation for death, a learning of confidence in the power of God to transcend it, the crafting of a life that can let go when it is time to let go, because it has been completely lived, regardless of how long a life it has been. God holds our lives in His hands and holds us throughout them. He holds us in our deaths and welcomes us home when we have come through them.
During Easter services those who have lost someone they love will listen intently. Those whose losses are recent may fight back tears. Those who are reflecting on their own mortality may not care to listen to you: it depends on what else is going on in their lives.
But that’s okay. This one Easter service won’t be the last chance to hear of a love that transcends the grave. They will have the opportunity to hear it again. And God will ensure that they are shown His Love in each and every day.
All they have to do is open their eyes and hearts. He’s constantly showing us, telling us, encouraging us.
Now is a time to take stock and rejoice in all we have. Christ has given us all a clean slate.
Rejoice! He is risen! Hallelujah
Írásos Bill atya gyűjteményéből. Imádkozunk az egészsége. LR
Labels: Christ has risen, how did Jesus come back, Need evidence to believe, Proof of the resurrection, The passion play
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