You're Either With Us or Against Us!

As we each shared our thoughts it became obvious that there’s compelling evidence of our human nature to fragment into ‘in’ groups and ‘out’ groups. It’s not just the church; it extends to our governments as well as industry.
Whether it’s on an international scale or in our own neighbourhoods, schools, and parishes, we see it happen over and over, one group declares another to be outsiders, inferiors, or just not one of ‘us.’ The division is always arbitrary and usually quite superficial in origin, but it doesn’t lessen the intensity with which it is felt and enforced. As a result, barriers are created and people become excluded and sometimes punished, or worse.
Nothing could be further from the sense of family our hearts yearn for. In our Lord’s vision there is no division. There are no strangers. All are brothers and sisters in one communion.
So what steps are we taking to fulfil God’s vision? Are we being followers who stand behind lines or are we being leaders who break down barriers?
God of love, help us to see people and their needs. Help us to keep open our eyes and ears and minds and hearts, to recognise that others may not follow the same path we do. Help us all to follow the path that leads to Your love. And above all show us how to share that love with all whom we meet. Amen
The mountain of the Lord's house shall be established as the highest mountain and raised above the hills. All nations shall stream toward it. Isaiah 2:2
there's just so much division (or seperation in some cases) within the anglican diocese these days. I mean, i come from an anglican diocese in Malaysia and we've broken up from the American Anglican diocese over the dissagreement of the "gay issues". Personally I believe homosexuality is wrong but i don't try to institute my ideologies on others, i believe you have to accept other as is. But back to the issue of division in the diocese, when i take a step back to ponder over all of these from a wider perspective I see so much divisions in the church that Im afraid that one day we'd all have our own versions of christianity.
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