Finding Forgiveness

But I don’t feel we’re as good at confessing when we’ve done wrong; or at asking forgiveness when we know we’ve hurt someone. I’m certainly not!
‘Those sins you forgive have already been forgiven’ is the literal meaning of the words from John’s Gospel. That’s a relief! It means that our job is to speak out what God has already transacted; we don’t have to carry the weight of judging who is or who is not to be forgiven. A word of caution though: Jesus’ followers had just received His Holy Spirit. We’ll need all the discernment the Holy Spirit brings if we’re to speak God’s truth to fellow sinners.
Many years later, the Apostle John wrote this: ‘If we confess our sins, [God] is faithful and just, and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.’
If someone has turned away from their sin and asked God’s forgiveness, but is still unsure about whether or not they are forgiven, we can easily find the answer in John: 20:23 – ‘If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven…’
And if you’re carrying any weights of self-doubt today, this should make your heart feel much lighter!
Father in Heaven, thank You that, if we confess our sins, You forgive us and cleanse us, and renew us. Amen
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